I am a student at in Uru Mānuka. In 2020 I was a year 9 and in 2021 I will be a year 10. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note....some work won't be edited - just my first drafts, so there may be some surface errors. I would love your feedback, comments, thoughts and ideas.
Friday, December 13, 2019
my memory book
Kai Ora bloggers Today I am posting my memory book.I had made a memory book because this is my final year at yaldhurst which is sad but it was great will it lasted.Anyway this is my memory book that I made myself that is very outstanding and very cool.It has all of my memory's that are from term 4 this year 2019.So if I can get a positive thoughtful helpful that would be very much appreciated.No shout out for Today which is dissapointing.Again positive thoughtful helpful.Blog ya later.For the last time.
Activity 3: Mass Migration
I think Donald trumps Idea of building a wall between America and Mexico because if Mexicans want to get a job in America and a better life in America it is not fair for them.I disagree because Donald trump is the worst because building a wall is like slamming a door on someones face Which is nasty very mean.So I disagree because I would not build a wall Because I am not that cruel.Because I would let them get a job and a life in America so they can turn their life around into their own life or helping their family because everyone deserve a second chance to turn their life around to help themself or famliy.
Friday, November 29, 2019
help I've lost my words (home learning blog)
Kai Ora bloggers Today I am going to tell you about my word search I made a word search.
You could make it on paper or take a screenshot and use a red marker and find them and circle them.
My success would be making it was kinda hard because you do it in three easy steps one you name it.
Then you put the words in like things or numbers.Then you could print it out or do it online.My challenges would be doing it I tried it was very hard because it time you how long it takes very frustrating.If i can get positive thoughtful helpful.Blog ya later.
You could make it on paper or take a screenshot and use a red marker and find them and circle them.
My success would be making it was kinda hard because you do it in three easy steps one you name it.
Then you put the words in like things or numbers.Then you could print it out or do it online.My challenges would be doing it I tried it was very hard because it time you how long it takes very frustrating.If i can get positive thoughtful helpful.Blog ya later.

Monday, November 25, 2019
my terabithia diary entry
Kia ora bloggers on the 12 of November we wrote a diry entry about the first bit of the movie.
It was very good atr the start you will have to read it though.I wrote it like jes would in his prospective.I did it very good and i loved it because I love writing even free writing.I get exitied when its writing time it is very fun.Anyway my Sucsess would be Finishing the writing on time wioth the right word count.My challenges would be using sets of 3,Alliteration,similes,personification.If you have done a diary entry then tell me in the comments and have you had to write 300 words in writing.
If also get positive thoughtful helpful in the comments.Blog ya later.
Dear diary, Today sucks When I got up I had a shower got dressed and looked for my shoes.
I asked mum where they were she said she threw them out.So I said that I did not want brenda's
old pair that they were for girls.Dad then came in and said what was wrong.I said mum threw my
shoes out and he said that we could buy a new pair.But mum said no because we were not that hot
on money.So I coloured them black with a black marker.Then I went to water the veggies but then
when the water went on me the marker started to come off and went pink again.When I went to school
and I was picked on the bus.Then in class a boy bullied me about my shoes so I tucked my shoes further in the seat.Then the teacher said for me to be quiet in class.The boy behind me then lied when the teacher said to stop he said I hit him when I did not hit him.Then the lunch bell went I went to the race.We lined up so then the new girl lined up.So the boy from class said to her it was boys only I said because your scared a girls going to beat you.So when The boy said go I ran and ran I was close to win but the new girl won.It sucked so bad I lost to a girl and it sucked.So when she asked if my name was jess so I got up and walked away and I looked over my shoulder and thought to just wait to become friends not straight away but then the boy from the race said to me that I had a girlfriend so I punched him.Five minutes later though the teacher said that the principal wanted me.So I went into the principal's office.He said I was suspended for punching him in the mouth.So when I got home mum and dad were not happy they said I was grounded for a week.So I had to go to my room Then I went to bed.
old pair that they were for girls.Dad then came in and said what was wrong.I said mum threw my
shoes out and he said that we could buy a new pair.But mum said no because we were not that hot
on money.So I coloured them black with a black marker.Then I went to water the veggies but then
when the water went on me the marker started to come off and went pink again.When I went to school
and I was picked on the bus.Then in class a boy bullied me about my shoes so I tucked my shoes further in the seat.Then the teacher said for me to be quiet in class.The boy behind me then lied when the teacher said to stop he said I hit him when I did not hit him.Then the lunch bell went I went to the race.We lined up so then the new girl lined up.So the boy from class said to her it was boys only I said because your scared a girls going to beat you.So when The boy said go I ran and ran I was close to win but the new girl won.It sucked so bad I lost to a girl and it sucked.So when she asked if my name was jess so I got up and walked away and I looked over my shoulder and thought to just wait to become friends not straight away but then the boy from the race said to me that I had a girlfriend so I punched him.Five minutes later though the teacher said that the principal wanted me.So I went into the principal's office.He said I was suspended for punching him in the mouth.So when I got home mum and dad were not happy they said I was grounded for a week.So I had to go to my room Then I went to bed.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Kai Ora bloggers Today is pet day.So on pet day we bring a pet to school we do baking,Sand sauces,veggie sculptures,pets to get judged.So I made lolly cake and rocky road but with white chocolate.We then started our stuff we put our baking in the Whare Hui .Then we put our soft toy in the library.Because life animals are coming at 1:30 in the afternoon.I made a sand saucer I used leaves and party confetti in the form of balloons out of cardboard.I will update on what we are doing at 1:30 after that.It was so fun Bridget did pony tricks.The hobby horse race even Mrs T did it.We then had live animals coming Dion's dog Rex came.Unfortunately I do not have photos of the live animals and the piny tricks and hobby horse race.Sorry but it was a great day It was one to remember.If I can get positive thoughtful helpful.Blog ya later.Shout out to ravensdown.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Kai Ora bloggers Today I am going to talk about the a&p show.Last Thursday we went to the a&p show it was fun.I went with Viki Sebastian and max.We went to see viki´s husband at ravensdown.We got a Muffin a biscuit A piece of fruit and a juice.We also got a bag a hat a drink bottle a pen and a hot chocolate.They were only for the state holders but we got lucky haha.Then we went to elgrego and saw his magic.We saw Dominic and braxtin from school there too.Then we had a walk around.I got some candy floss and an ice cream at the near end.Sebastian got lucky he only had a dollar left and he asked if he could get a flake on its own but the lady got him an ice cream as well even though they were five dollars.We then went for lunch at the horse stadium but the whole class was meant to be there.We then went to get max some candy floss.Viki getting a scarecrow on the way.Then we went to pat some Bunny's and puppy's and pigs and find a Queen bee.Then we walked over and saw sheep being sheered from their wool.Then we went home.I went to and from the a&p show with dion after that we had to pick his sister amy up from gillberthorpe school then we were home.If I can get positive
thoughtful helpful.Blog ya later.
thoughtful helpful.Blog ya later.
Monday, November 18, 2019
my dlo for te reo directions.
Kai Ora bloggers.Today I am going to tell you about directions in Te reo Maori.
So we did a treasure maps and then do it on three people then do theirs it was very fun.
We had to learn the words in te reo maori like whakamua means forwards.Whakamuri means backwards.whakamaui means left.The last one is whakamatau means right.It was kinda trikey at first but then I got the hang of it and learnt very quick.My success were making my map and figuring out peoples and getting the hang of it.My challenges were finishing them and making the dlo and not need to do it during next Monday.So I liked it because it was very fun learning about directions and Mrs Taylor is also learning about directions with the class.If I can get a positive thoughtful helpful
Blog ya later
So we did a treasure maps and then do it on three people then do theirs it was very fun.
We had to learn the words in te reo maori like whakamua means forwards.Whakamuri means backwards.whakamaui means left.The last one is whakamatau means right.It was kinda trikey at first but then I got the hang of it and learnt very quick.My success were making my map and figuring out peoples and getting the hang of it.My challenges were finishing them and making the dlo and not need to do it during next Monday.So I liked it because it was very fun learning about directions and Mrs Taylor is also learning about directions with the class.If I can get a positive thoughtful helpful
Blog ya later
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Kia Ora bloggers Today we went to the Christchurch symphony orchestra.Or cso for short.
So we all got on a bus there were four because the whole school went to the Town hall for the orchestra.We had a few pieces the three pieces were Star Wars,Frozen,and harry potter but also called harry snorter.We were there for an hour I was hungry.Then we went to the Margret mahy playground.
We then played there.I said to Mrs Taylor to time me.It was four seconds.Peter bet me thought he got three seconds very angry someone bet me that fast.We then went back to school we got on a bus unfortunatly all of rimu could not fit on the bus.Hahaha.So then we arrived back to school a surprie waiting for us.It was rhys.Who was back from america and for the a.&.p show tomorrow.
So if I can get positive thoughtful helpful coments.Blog ya later.
So we all got on a bus there were four because the whole school went to the Town hall for the orchestra.We had a few pieces the three pieces were Star Wars,Frozen,and harry potter but also called harry snorter.We were there for an hour I was hungry.Then we went to the Margret mahy playground.
We then played there.I said to Mrs Taylor to time me.It was four seconds.Peter bet me thought he got three seconds very angry someone bet me that fast.We then went back to school we got on a bus unfortunatly all of rimu could not fit on the bus.Hahaha.So then we arrived back to school a surprie waiting for us.It was rhys.Who was back from america and for the a.&.p show tomorrow.
So if I can get positive thoughtful helpful coments.Blog ya later.
Friday, November 8, 2019
My new school uniform
Kai Ora guys and gals.Today I am going to share my brand new school uniform.So the task was to make a new school uniform.It was pretty fun to make a school uniform.The success was when I got the idea to base it off my school uniform and make it better.My success would be making the school uniform it was fun to do.My challenges would be the detail and colours to what would fit to what I would like.I have got the photos of my uniform here.If I can get some positive thoughtful helpful.Blog ya later.
Testing week
This week we have done Testing like E-asttle,Pat.We did maths writing and reading.I had did my writing very good.This is my E-asttle writing.I do not have anything for my maths and reading tests but I did pretty good.So I have improved in paragraphing and putting them into paragraphs.I had also did great on spelling because also I punctuated ever sentence correctly.It was very good doing tests because it has been a long time since we did tests.If i can get positive thoughtful helpful.Blog ya later.
It is a nice day to go to the market.It is very exciting going to the market.
Can we go to the toy stall first Mum.No brayden we can go there last.
But why.I need to get some stuff for lunch okay we can go there last and you will behave and don ́t ask to go to the toy stall or we won ́t got it.Yes Mum but what is there to do I will get board.Fine we can go to the toy stall first then.
Hey Mum can I get this.No that is $100 dollars I only have enough to buy a small one.So hurry up. This one is small please.$60 dollers you know what $100 doller dinosaur toy please.Hopefuly we have enough to buy lunch if not we are going to leave.I like the fell of the box it is very smooth. Hey Mum how many stalls do you see I see 20.Well I see 29.Well you win by nine.They are all white but they say what is in the stall like pony rides and lunch surpplys ahh.That is what we need.What pony rides.No LUNCH SURPLYS.okay okay you did not need to shout in my ear.
I can hear people talking and smell the food.Come on we can get a hot dog later hurry up.Okay sandwhichs apples fruit.Done thats what we need.Now we can get a hot dog lets go.yum that was very gooooooooood.
Now it is time to.No it is raining we need to get to the car.That was horrible.Look its clearing up.Oh no.What it is it.The grass is wet well lets go back to have some fun.Mum its been a minute and my shoes and socks are wet can we go home now.
Okey lets go to the car then you can open your toy and play with it.Okey yay time to go home.
Well that was exiting can you not wait till tomorrow.No I am going to stay home the market is horrible.Okay thats fair Toby and Zach can come tomorrow they will love it and I will take more money just in case because of that costing $100 dollers.Now.Oh you are asleep well it has been a crazy day so you can sleep well love you.the end
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
My trip to hornby high school
Kai Ora bloggers Today I went to Hornby High School.So Today Me Jacob and Kristy went to have a visit at Hornby High School because next year I am going to Hornby High School.We were meant to see the school with Jack Goodfellow.But he was at the primary school so Tony who I met on my meeting with him.So he showed us around to the office and the classrooms and the cafe.Then we learnt that some of the buildings that were staying like they were like the auditorium and one other building I cant remember though.The school was being renovated.So I was nervous with it being in school time.So they had other areas like.Teacher only areas and other stuff.So if anyone from Hornby High School has anything they want to comment about they can comment that.If i can get some positive thoughtful helpful.I have a question for Hornby High School students.Does Hornby High have hokey? Blog ya later. I do not have the photos of around where we traveled but I do have a photo of the book I need.
Monday, November 4, 2019
my dream house
Kai Ora bloggers today I want to tell you about my dream home.It is very green and has turquoise windows.It has two floors.My success were making it to what I like.My challenges would be thinking about colours and stuff.I am kinda happy with the set up and windows.But I could not get the lines up. But happy with what I have got with all the stuff.The picture will show what I am talking about but I am happy with it.So can I get some positive thoughtful helpful.Blog ya later.
Friday, November 1, 2019
My novel study so far
Kai Ora bloggers Today I am going to show you my novel study so far.So what we are doing for novel study.We have to do a chapter summary critical literacy questions and the if odd we had to find 4 verbs,4 nouns,4 adjectives,and 3 words with more then 3 syllables.If even synonym and antonym.
So then we then red the book.The due date is 29 of November.So my challenges would be doing nouns because I do not know what nouns are.I am interestied in the book I am reading which is the inventon of hugo cabret.link down below for my other blog about novel study.Anyway It is very good.How a boy is trying to fix something not going to spoil the book.my novel study book So if I can get a comment poisitive thoughtful helpful.Blog ya later
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
my naritive long write
Kai Ora blogger Today I have done a narrative long write.
I really like writing because you can write about things.
here is my writing. My success were writing it all on Tuesday and doing the success criteria all before today it was exiting how then we marked it with our editing partners with a marking rubric.My challenges were doing it in the 40 minute write we had yesterday then marking today.No shout out for Today.Blog ya later.
I really like writing because you can write about things.
here is my writing. My success were writing it all on Tuesday and doing the success criteria all before today it was exiting how then we marked it with our editing partners with a marking rubric.My challenges were doing it in the 40 minute write we had yesterday then marking today.No shout out for Today.Blog ya later.
I see a path of flowers and I walk down the path of flowers on the 22 of October.
I can't find home but I know I can find home.I can feel the flowers that are like soft silk blankets.
Tree bark as hard as rock.I feel calm relaxed it is very nice here so I lay down to sleep.
What is that shaking it feels like an earthquake!.where is the way home ahh what is going on.
The ground is shaking very hard like a hungry lion.ahh crash where is the exit also why are my pants cold and we-ahh it is a flood the exit.nooo why did the earth break past the exit but I am going home now wher-that is what I need a tree now come on I am going home no matter what.There the tree is in no why a bolder to break the tree another you know what tw-no three will do.There a long bridge time to go home no It took me half an hour to build stupid rocks.fiv-no ten this time there done now it is time to rawer not a lion how am I-water home hose turn hose on now it is time to spray you lion down the drain goodbye no syanare you bad pussy cat I hope you have a good fall haha.Now I actually will take some of these flowers home.
Ha that lion did not stand a chance for large spray ha and he is such a wose to jump back up so don't try you big lousy pussy cat so stay down there.Ok now time to go home put these in the vase and then bed but first one movie um classic Jurassic park then bed but maybe two ok two then.The end
Monday, October 21, 2019
My favorite move franchise.
my favorite movie franchise on Biteable.kia Ora bloggers.Today I am going to tell you about my favorite movie franchise. It is Jurassic park franchise.When I first watched it I liked it them loved.I then loved it from then on it is very good.So then my success were finishing it.My challenges were choosing which slides.Because it was hard because the max words were 80.So then there were slides that would have two parts to it.So can I get positive thoughtful helpful blog ya later.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
speed dating a book
hi bloggers.Today we were speed dating a book for novel study I chose the invention of Hugo cabret by Brian Selznick. it was very weird about the video it was very out of the ordinary.
so there were tables we move around with a sheet to write in then we had to go against a wall then they would say a reading group and we would walk and grab our book. if two people wanted the same book they would have to pledge their love for the book Jedi was going for the boy in the striped pajamas but someone grabbed it she then begged for it then Mr's spragg started to take it away but Jedi had other ideas she lay on the ground and had a tantrum it was funny then Zach did exactly the same thing only then he said to the book that Sam was a smelly rag.Then we did a flipgrid about it I cant show my flipgrid.What do you think.Blog ya later.
so there were tables we move around with a sheet to write in then we had to go against a wall then they would say a reading group and we would walk and grab our book. if two people wanted the same book they would have to pledge their love for the book Jedi was going for the boy in the striped pajamas but someone grabbed it she then begged for it then Mr's spragg started to take it away but Jedi had other ideas she lay on the ground and had a tantrum it was funny then Zach did exactly the same thing only then he said to the book that Sam was a smelly rag.Then we did a flipgrid about it I cant show my flipgrid.What do you think.Blog ya later.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
I have done a good poem
hello bloggers Today I have written a poem.
So today we got to write our own poem about what we liked.
so I did a time machine one and it is awesome.I had done a lot on it.
So my success would be making a very good poem.
My challenges would be thinking what I was going to say.
My poem was based on wings by pie Corbett.
Here is my poem: So what do yous think tell me in the comments
If i had a time machine
I would lising to para calls and brachi calls from across
from camp and dryosaurs that graze on
the green.
If I had a time machine
I would breathe under the water
To find the illusive mosassurus
The scent of its
If I had a time machine
I would gaze at
The outstanding
Queen or king of all dinosaurs.
If I had a time machine
I would dream of
A world with dinosaurs the
Jurassic world
And prehistoric world
Of the age.
So what do yous think tell me in the comments no shout out blog ya later.
So what do yous think tell me in the comments no shout out blog ya later.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
How my fractions are going so far
Hello bloggers Today I have a slide that shows how my fractions work is going so far.
So it was very fun doing fractions like 1/2 or 4/5 I am awesome at fractions.My sucsess would be finishing it all and making this amazing slide show.My challenges would be finding the fractions and finding the answers for them.So what do you think tell me in the comments positive thoughtful helpful
blog ya later.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Time for dinner
Hello bloggers Today I have got something yous all will love I have made invites for dinner for my homework blog.So the task was we had to make three invites three celebrates for dinner but are not real.So then I made a slide about the invites with special backgrounds.So my sucsess wuld be making the invites very fast but slow like normal speed.My challenges would be making the invites with thinking about what I want to say like dinosaur shaped cookies stuff like that.So I thought that I did a pritty good job on it with thinking about the words.So here is my slides hope you enjoy I worked hard on it.It took me yesterday and today to get it done.Can I get some positive thoughtful helpful comments.Blog ya later
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Hello bloggers Today I have my finished fractions work and I Had done it on.I had done it on Monday without needing to do it in two days it was very fun.So I Had done a great job and I thought that Monday was my first miracle that I did not need two days to finish it.So my success were that I got it all done in one day.My challenges were that I had to do it in one day but I did it.No shout out for Today.Can I get some comments Please it would really help.Blog ya later.
Thursday, September 5, 2019
Hello bloggers Today I have a biteable to answer that question.So the task was for us to think of ways
to solve a problem that is 81.So my sucsess would be making this fro you guys.My challenges would be figureing it out what it would be able it figure out with the problem so lets have a competison to see who has diffrent solusons to the problem and we can see who can have a better soluson and then it can make everyone to meet someone new or make a freind.blog ya later
Wednesday, September 4, 2019
What does darth vader do for a day off
hello bloggers Today I am going to show you what Darth Vader does on his day off.
So yesterday we were going to write about Darth Vader's day off it was very great to do it It was very fun and exited because we could write whatever we wanted and mine was awesome.So yesterday also the Internet was playing around going up and down.So this is what it said for us to do.No shout out for Today
So yesterday we were going to write about Darth Vader's day off it was very great to do it It was very fun and exited because we could write whatever we wanted and mine was awesome.So yesterday also the Internet was playing around going up and down.So this is what it said for us to do.No shout out for Today
What do you think Darth Vader does on his day off?
Perhaps he gets a slushy from Hoth? Maybe he takes his cape to get dry cleaned or he goes to the pharmacy to pick up a new inhaler. Maybe he has some "me time" at the spa, followed by hot yoga. Or maybe he just binge-watches the Golden Girls. Or does he play a vigorous game of pickle ball?
You're going to take on the role of Darth Vader. You will write a diary entry (1st Person Recount) about what you got up to on your day. Think of things that make a villain seem more human or even boring. Be sure to make it realistic, keep it specific, and make it awesome!
this is what I wrote my one was the best of the best i liked it because I wrote 329 words and it was just the best.
My day off
Dear diary, I had a great day off I went strat to hoth to get such a delectable slushy It was amazing and I was surprised that it was very loud and how it was all good to hear that it was the dark side was all there saying how defeating the rebels was great.
Then I took my cape to the dry cleaner Gary he was absolutely polite but very happy he asked me If it was the usual I said yes so he said that it would take about two and a half hours.So as that was happening I popped into the pharmacy next door and asked for Darth Vader.So they said that they had it ready for me in the back and it would take a sec to grab.So then the pharmacist gave the inhaler to me and so then I went back to Gary and it was spic and span not a Stan on it so I said to Gary that he would get $400 dollars for getting the annoying grape juice Stan off it.Then it was time to go to the spa followed by some yoga.So the spa was just fantastic it was great it just made all of my problem go away and it was great with bubbles it was very helpful.The yoga was very relaxing it help me relax But then someone knocked on my door BANG BANG BANG it was a pizza delivery guy and he asked if it was 45 west avenue but my mail box was 46 west avenue he had mistaken me for next door so I said to him that it was next door he was looking for and pointed him in the direction of 45 west avenne and he said thanks and sped off on his bike.So that was an eventful day but I then went to bed and had a great day
senserly Darth Vader
Monday, September 2, 2019
it is another author visit
Hello bloggers Today we had a very special visitor it was Karyn Wilson the author of kereu´s BBQ.
Her friend Jess did the illustrations for the book but Karyn did all the thinking.She then asked Jess to illustrate the book and then email her the photos to her to see if they were up to standard.So then she read her new book Peka a Koro friends of the forest which is coming out next week.She also had a worm that was the missing link between a Caterpillar and a worm.She then showed us the story boards
and draft books.So she was amazing she was very confident of talking to a bunch of kids and she was amazing.So can I get some feedback if you have heard or seen Karyn anywhere at school or just from somewhere.Shout out For Today is Callam from Grey Main School blog.Blog ya later.
Her friend Jess did the illustrations for the book but Karyn did all the thinking.She then asked Jess to illustrate the book and then email her the photos to her to see if they were up to standard.So then she read her new book Peka a Koro friends of the forest which is coming out next week.She also had a worm that was the missing link between a Caterpillar and a worm.She then showed us the story boards
and draft books.So she was amazing she was very confident of talking to a bunch of kids and she was amazing.So can I get some feedback if you have heard or seen Karyn anywhere at school or just from somewhere.Shout out For Today is Callam from Grey Main School blog.Blog ya later.

Thursday, August 29, 2019
A picture pants thousand words
Hello bloggers Today I am going to tell you about the picture. It is kind of weird but it looks amazing like the grey is like a dead tree. The green one looks like life and how we past on then make a future generation and then man kind not inhabiting earth.The picture looks nice and how it answers all of mans questions and theory's.It kind of looks funny it just is amazing of how the picture works and how it is just great to stare at.Can I get a positive thoughtful helpful thank you.Blog ya later.
Hello bloggers Today I am going to share my dlo about rounding numbers.
The process was we had to watch a video and then we had to then learn about rounding numbers.
Then we had to then do slides about rounding numbers.Then we had to do a screencastify about rounding numbers. My success would be successfully learning rounding numbers and learn different things. My challenges would be big numbers like thousand. So can I please get positive thoughtful helpful comments.Thank you blog ya later.
Monday, August 26, 2019
A trip in tards
Hello bloggers Today I am going to tell you if I could time travel in tards.
I would travel in tards to get very important dinosaur research so that Jurassic park if
made more movies they would know how to do them so they do not mess it up again.
So the process would be so we had to think do we what to go back or forward.So I went back to the Jurassic period then we had to write it and then put it on our blog.No shout out for Today.Blog ya later.
Friday, August 23, 2019
SCHOOL PHOTOS OH NO.but also speech finals yay
Hello bloggers Today I am going to talk about school photos Yesterday.So Yesterday we had to look good because it was school photos.So first thing was sibling photos what I found challenging was sitting still for all of the photo we toke.Then winter sports team photos.Then whole school photo.And after that whole class photo Then it was like a normal school day until speech finals.So mark from nor wood which is just around the second corner.So new entrenses also I cant remember year1,2,3,4,6,7 speech winners.First place was Kyle y.Second place was Emily g.Third place was Millie m.year 8 first winner was Julia m.Second place was pawin k.Third place was Mikael. Year 5 first place was Hasan c.Second place was jorja t.Can I get some feedback.Shout out is javana from grey main school.Blog ya later.
Hello bloggers Today I am going to share my speech. We did them on Wednesday and Thursday last week it was amazing. My speech was called should we bring dinosaurs back to life.The prosess was we had to plan a speech then to write the speech in paragraphs going from intro to concluson
I did mine on Wednesday and I was proud of my writing and how good I did I was proud of it.what do you think tell me in the comments No shout out for Today blog ya later.
I did mine on Wednesday and I was proud of my writing and how good I did I was proud of it.what do you think tell me in the comments No shout out for Today blog ya later.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Hello bloggers Today I am going to tell you about my teachers wishes.So we had to ask our teachers what they would wish for and it is in the biteable I have made.You will have to watch to see what they would wish for and what I would wish for .Then we had to create somthing about it and then put it on our blog no shout out for Today tell me what your wishes would be in the comments blog ya later.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Maths week is done
Hello bloggers Today maths week as ended and Mikael said tools down at the end.Rimu had a lot of fun making wearable arts or a polygon playground or a bridge or a board game.My bridge became a boat as well as a bridge but it was a lot of fun.Rimu was very happy with their final product of what they built it was fun. here are the pictures and if you would like to make it yourself ask your mum and dad about 100 Popsicle sticks 2 meters of string 5 meters of tape(it can be ducktape or celetape if you prefer) anyway can I get some feedback no shout out for Today thanks heaps blog ya later.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Hello bloggers Today I am going to tell you about our maths week. Here is the process.So if we did not finish the slides then we cant do maths weeks projects but if you finish then you can start.We start by planning and then run it by the teacher and get started.So we have to use limited resources the resources are 100 Popsicle sticks 5 meters of tape and 2 meters of string.We then make what we choose like a bridge or a board game or a playground. So here is what it looks like it did not go as planned but still figuring it out.So here is what it looks like at the moment but tomorrow we have to finish it by tomorrow. No shout out for Today blog ya later
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Hello bloggers Today I am going to teach you Probability.
Probability is when you think of your chance of grabing something
like 10 marbles 2 blue 5 green 3 yellow it is just a chance of grabbing
a marble.My sucsess would be learning something new.My challenge would
be learning probability. No shout out for Today.
Friday, August 9, 2019
oh no a hurricane
Hello bloggers Today I have my hurricane reading work.A hurricane is a very bad Storm it needs warm moist air and the inside of a hurricane is called an eye.The weather is calm and fine but the outside has very high winds and heavy rain.It takes 18 hours to die out as well.It was really challenging what my main one would have been the blue one because ti took a while but I succeed my success would be the house because I love creating and making thing.So the work we had to do was we read the boxes and then create it digital and then either write and explain about our answers and create things based on the work.The shout out for Today is javana from grey main school.Blog ya later.
Thursday, August 8, 2019
Hello bloggers Today I am showing you a movie made by me.
So I choose the actors and actress because the selecting was
a wee bit too easy but good.It was very amazing choosing the
actors and actress and making the poster and just the whole thing
no shout out for Today blog ya later.
Wednesday, August 7, 2019
Hello bloggers Today I have got a slide about statistics: reading,understanding
& Interpreting graphs.I have used graphs like a Bar graph Tally charts and I have
learned how to do a Pictograph.The purple is my teacher mrs spragg saying to
improve on something or that I need a bit more and explain about my answer.
My sucsess would have been learning how to do a Pictograph.my challenges
would have been a pictograph but now I have done that callenge and understand a
pictograph.Can I get some feedback for this please.Blog ya later.
Monday, August 5, 2019
Hello bloggers Today I am here to show you my holes work.
So we have a book called holes and the main character is called
Stanly Yelnets.He stole clid livingstins shoes which fell from the sky.
Then the judge said jail or camp green lake.So stanlys mum and dad
said camp green lake.I do have a qustion for the book what did camp
green lake look like when it was not dried up?I wonder this because
it had never described it in the book.So thats about some of the book
no shout out for Today blog ya later.
Friday, August 2, 2019
Hello blogger Today I am going to tell you about a lamb that came into school this Morning.The lambs name is beans Chloe´s big sister Lucy choose the name because baked beans is Lucy's favorite food.I gave the lamb a pat and it is incredably soft.beans is about three weeks old and it is adorible I wish that I had a lamb. anyway the lamb was very cute and I just love animals like dogs cats lambs the list go on but the top thing I would want would be a lamb and a dog.No shout out today blog ya later bye.
Thursday, August 1, 2019
Hello bloggers Today I am doing a shout out for my teacher Mrs Taylor.
I know it is a first that I am doing a shout out for someone when its you guys
doing it by commenting. it is very helpful you guys are giving so much support.
It was a good time doing it but I had to do it multible times but I got there.
thanks for the support and thanks again blog ya later
I know it is a first that I am doing a shout out for someone when its you guys
doing it by commenting. it is very helpful you guys are giving so much support.
It was a good time doing it but I had to do it multible times but I got there.
thanks for the support and thanks again blog ya later
Wednesday, July 31, 2019
pazas of goals
Hi bloggers I am going to share my goals sheet. I learnt that I had to create my own this time. Its
important to have goals to achieve what you think you could improve one and try to achieve.The text boxes are green and there is a head of an indominus Rex below my profile picture. here it is there is no
Friday, July 26, 2019
synonyms and homophones.
Hello bloggers Today I am going to teach you how to use synonyms and homophones.
This is a Dlo to teach you about synonyms and homophones. When you use them you might be thinking I don´t know how to use synonyms and homophones and I am here to help you with this tricky grammar. It was tricky for me to learn this but I got trought it. no shout out for Today. Blog ya later.
Friday, July 5, 2019
My amazing new dragon
Hello bloggers today I have worked hard on this.
There is a photo of what my dragon looks like.
The writing is just below no shout out for today
Blog ya later
There is a photo of what my dragon looks like.
The writing is just below no shout out for today
Blog ya later
Introduction In the year 2015 a new dragon species was found by Brayden Rutherford. The dragon ́s name was Acid Fire and was not that fast but was agile. He was on the Isle of Berk with eight different species of dragon including the famous Night Fury. It was found to be allergic to daisies and coconuts And only ate sheep and other people.
It has a horn on the front of its head to break away any trees and branches.
It has 6 eyes and 6 visions so this dragon is more superior to humans.
The first vision is body heat to see humans with.The second one is thermo heat
to see other things like sheep.The other ones are classified. It has poisonous spikes all over its back
so that if the spikes are touched the human or sheep will die because of the poison the spikes carry.
It is mobile found on Berk and the Hidden world because of being mobile and to camouflage itself for protection.
This mighty beast still has enemies of its own.
The first one is Drago's Bewilderbeast. Drago's bewilderbeast is one for the mighty ́s of them all.
This dragon attacked all of Berk ́s dragons but Toothless took it down when the actual Bewilderbeast came. Drago's Bewilderbeast took him down. The second is the Red Death who actually lived in a volcano.The dragon attacked the Vikings after they attacked the Red Death then died after Toothless blasted it in the mouth Hiccup still alive but with one leg gone.The next dragon is going to scare other dragons to the hill the Screaming Death.The Screaming Death is a dragon who is child to Whispering Death.This dragon has red eyes spikes on its tail and lots of razor sharp teeth it attacks Hiccup and the other dragon riders but found its mother. The last one has a song of humans the Death Song.The Death Song is a dragon who sprays people and dragons and eats them to sustain himself.
It lives underground with stalactites all around the cave. In the dark because it has night vision and can see in the dark.It has acid baths and drinks the acid so it does not run out. He does not like ice or water only in his mouth to drink he does not like both or one of them on his body because he spits acid and alight ́s himself on fire. He is Allergic to coconuts and bananas because of the stuff inside of them.
The Acid Fire eats a range of food including sheep, bugs, humans, acid, rocks and finally water. He does not eat bananas coconuts And daysies
This amazing dragon species Acid Fire can be summed up in one amazing absolutely amazing.
It is just spectacular it is not a friendly species of dragons so observe in very dense forests and do not go near it it is very dangerous and does not like humans near its babies because this beast is very caring for its babies and others of its species. No human is safe around this species of dragons but they have been taken to the hidden world and they have stayed there for about 4 years now so Berk is now safe.
Monday, July 1, 2019
Uncle spy
Hello blogger´s I have a top secret blog post for you guys.
So this is a blog post about an uncle who is a spy.Now this is a link for
a book about it it is fun and amazing here is the link uncle spy uncle spy
My sucsess was writing this for you´s and decarating it for you all.
My challenges would be writing this but I did it all no shout out today.
The end of the term is coming up so I hve only a few blogs to go but
blog ya later.
Friday, June 28, 2019
1st to 100 wins
On Tuesday we did a investigation for race it 100 and two ladybugs Fred and Freda. We were given a hundred board to solve this intense problem. So Fred could jump three spaces at a time.Freda could jump two at a time.So it was a wee bit challenging but me Lana and Sebastian figured it out by doing fred first to go ten jumps then did freda´s ten jumps Fred won to how we did it.Here is the hundreds board we had to use and Fred and Freda no shout out for today who do you think won? Blog ya later.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019
Hello Bloggers.Today I did a book review on our shared book wonder.
We then had to do something in a creative way to explain to you guys.
This is my Biteable.So the prosess was we had to answer questions for wonder.
It was about 8 weeks of questions then we had to make our own cover for wonder.
Here they are.Then we had to do a book reveiw and I made a biteable and then had
to blog about it. There is no shout out for today sorry.Blog ya later.
WONDER IS AWASOME!!!! on Biteable.
We then had to do something in a creative way to explain to you guys.
This is my Biteable.So the prosess was we had to answer questions for wonder.
It was about 8 weeks of questions then we had to make our own cover for wonder.
Here they are.Then we had to do a book reveiw and I made a biteable and then had
to blog about it. There is no shout out for today sorry.Blog ya later.
WONDER IS AWASOME!!!! on Biteable.
Wednesday, June 19, 2019
Today we did wig Wednesday and it is about raising awareness to support child cancer and to support kids who have cancer and so those kids that have cancer to not let them suffer and we raised $136.20.
A bunch of people wore wigs I was wearing a blue wigs. we all had fun and I feel sympathy for those that have cancer and we should do something about it.Mrs Taylor was wearing a shaggy wig the shout out for today is nothing better luck next time blog ya later.
A bunch of people wore wigs I was wearing a blue wigs. we all had fun and I feel sympathy for those that have cancer and we should do something about it.Mrs Taylor was wearing a shaggy wig the shout out for today is nothing better luck next time blog ya later.
Thursday, June 13, 2019
what would it be like to look the same on Biteable.
This is my blog on positives and negitives lokking the same.
The video is amazing and it was made by me.
The shout out is noone today but it is just bad luck.
blog ya later
Wednesday, June 12, 2019
my long write
Hello bloggers today I am posting my long write from my descriptive workbook. This workbook and long write is from the 6 of May 2019.My success were making such a cool long write and doing about 327 words.My challenge was to do a amazing long write.The shout out for Today is none Today but that's how the cookie crumbles blog ya later.
I had to make a glass tank to protect myself Against the flood it was a success.but I was the only person who had Realized.I was completely and utterly alone.I could feel the smooth hard white glass.the glass as cold as ice then a goldfish came by he got the glass like a clown .the stench of dead fish decusded me.I Heard a little goldfish hit the Stone cold glass. I then went and ate my cooked salmon it tasted so good.I sat there With my sad lonely depressed thought that I was all alone.then I thought I was as lonely as a leaf. At that very moment a great white shark comes and hits the glass It makes a giant hole so I run inside and grab my emergency duct tape and fix the hole but the great white just make a new big huge hole so i punch it in the nose so I can Fix the hole.so I finish the hole fixing but it makes one enormous hole instead so I grab its tail and throw it away.but I made it even worse a megalodon comes eats the great white and swims away it must have smelt the great whites blood trail after i punched it so hard.I felt bad I got a great white eaten because of me.so I grab some fish put them in a fish tank and fix the hole. But I saw something in the corner of my eye it was a humpback whale.it jumped up out of the water and back in again so I grab my camera and take a photo.but another great white shark comes so I throw a fish out of the way so I watch as it swims like a dog getting a stick.so I tame the poor thing make a nice house for it and I am not completely alone after all.the end
I had to make a glass tank to protect myself Against the flood it was a success.but I was the only person who had Realized.I was completely and utterly alone.I could feel the smooth hard white glass.the glass as cold as ice then a goldfish came by he got the glass like a clown .the stench of dead fish decusded me.I Heard a little goldfish hit the Stone cold glass. I then went and ate my cooked salmon it tasted so good.I sat there With my sad lonely depressed thought that I was all alone.then I thought I was as lonely as a leaf. At that very moment a great white shark comes and hits the glass It makes a giant hole so I run inside and grab my emergency duct tape and fix the hole but the great white just make a new big huge hole so i punch it in the nose so I can Fix the hole.so I finish the hole fixing but it makes one enormous hole instead so I grab its tail and throw it away.but I made it even worse a megalodon comes eats the great white and swims away it must have smelt the great whites blood trail after i punched it so hard.I felt bad I got a great white eaten because of me.so I grab some fish put them in a fish tank and fix the hole. But I saw something in the corner of my eye it was a humpback whale.it jumped up out of the water and back in again so I grab my camera and take a photo.but another great white shark comes so I throw a fish out of the way so I watch as it swims like a dog getting a stick.so I tame the poor thing make a nice house for it and I am not completely alone after all.the end
Monday, June 10, 2019
A mirorr in time time time time time time.
Hello bloggers this is my descriptive long write.My sucssces were making a outstanting long write.The challenge was making it as descriptive as possible.It was very fun to write.Quiestion: what do you write in school or free time at home?The shout out for to day is Drum.drum.drum.drum.drum.drum is my
teacher mrs Spragg blog ya later.
Thursday, June 6, 2019
new school subject
hi bloggers and today I have though about a new subject for schools around
the world. it was challenging to write it all onto slides for it.
my succsess were to bloging it to all of you wonderful pepole
thanks for being there for me. well the shout out for today is drum roll please
drum drum drum drum callum from grey main school.
blog ya later.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Hi bloggers on Monday the 20 of May we did a slide called Timetable.
We had to look at a Timetable and the first one we had to match it to what we thought that
was the correct time for a thing on it that would be right. I think I got it all right but I am not sure.
It was challenging when it was up to the last few slides were a wee bit tricky but I did it.
My success were completing it and doing it some of it was easy and fun.
I really like this slide and it was amazing thank you Mrs Spragg blog ya later
Friday, May 24, 2019
the dream giver
hi bloggers on Wednesday we did a new work book on a thing called the dream giver.This is my dream giver it is like a spider like creature here it is
After that we wached a movie.The real dream giver had a toga and four see trough wings.
He had a sack at the end of a stick and he would crack and egg on what we wanted to dream about.
Just after that we did a plan we had to use bullet points to get ideas for our writing.After that it was time to write it was very hard to do.But it was amazing to do here it is. What do you write about in your free time?
Friday, May 3, 2019
new zeland at war!!
On Monday we started doing an Anzac slide about Anzac.
This is a really good topic because we can learn about
New Zealand's history.The challenging part was when you had to find the facts
on the website. The easiest part was when to put it all together.
Can I have some feedback and blog ya later,
Wednesday, May 1, 2019
my writing
On Wednesday morning of the 24
This is my writing recount I loved this one because that day I felt two things
happy to be going to a Friend's house and sad because my little brother
was going to the st George's to get surgery done on him.
The human body can experience many things eg back pain neck pain etc
even feelings that day I did not want my brothers to miss out so I bought them
some pens
I went to Bella's house while zuzu went to st gorgia’s
hospital was happy and sad I was as abnormal as happy I was going to bella’s house and sad that zuzu Was going to hospital .so the day started off like any other me Stacie Bella were dropping off keegan at preschool junction toyworld me and Bella looked at the toys then I got a notebook pencil case two pencils two erasers and a ruler. so then went to the dairy to get a drink I got fanta and Bella got sprite Stacie got a stick of licorice and a v energy drink. Then it was time to go to the court theatre It was as amazing as it was hilarious like a laughing hyena the actors were running away from a dinosaur it ran like a human after the actors (tyrannosaurus Rex).then there person who was running the theatre came and started to tell them to leave but they froze time and put one of his fingers up his nose the stopped time again and put it in his mouth then they did not know what a bag of chips were then the landlord did them a washer and said if they could not convince him he could take their house away and burn it down and slap some crumpets on their behinds and use them as plates . but if they could convince him he would fund their research for another year. Then we went for lunch me and Bella got teriyak chicken on rice and a frozen drink I got lime Bella got pineapple then we all went to the toilet .then to the warehouse where everyone get’s a rip off .I got two dinosaur wood puzzles and two junior megalosaurus eggs and got ankylosaurus and brachiosaurus .then we went to vinnes a second hand shop to get a blanket for stacie’s two cats ruby and I cannot remember the other one. then we chilled at home then mum came to pick me up .then we went home and zuzu was lying on the couch he had a balloon and a paper cup and the balloon that said i’ve been to st George's hospital . then we had dinner we had deviled sausages. Then it was time for bed the end
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is my writing recount I loved this one because that day I felt two things
happy to be going to a Friend's house and sad because my little brother
was going to the st George's to get surgery done on him.
The human body can experience many things eg back pain neck pain etc
even feelings that day I did not want my brothers to miss out so I bought them
some pens
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