kia Ora bloggers today I have something to share
So today we finished our newspaper article And this is my newspaper article.
Water pollution how can we stop it
The north pacific gyre of our largest rubbish accumulation ever in human history.
It is made up of the continents that surround the north pacific ocean’s plastic in a thing
called a garbage patch. It is made of plastic and micro plastics floated out to
a gyre which
is a major tide has accumulated more plastic in the years to follow
and the ocean
will go away.
The effects of plastic on animals.
Turtles eat plastic bags because they think that it is a jellyfish because
they eat jellyfish but they will die from the plastic bag but plastic is a multi killer.
Plastic will kill multiple animals like whales, dolphins, birds. Whales eat plankton but
when they eat microplastics and die from it. Birds eat fish like fry and steal from
pelicans but they will eat plastic and die baby birds get milk and plastic water
bottles ring choke and die.
What people could do to fix it
We could start by trying to collect as much plastic as possible so that marine life
can survive and not become extinct and die off. Marine life is beautiful and everyone
deserves to see them and hear them. They are dying because of us dumping plastic
in the ocean. Collecting as much plastic and make more environmentally friendly things,
article So we had to write a newspaper article about the water pollution how can we stop it.
i felt like i would screw it up but it was great.
So what do you think.
Positive thoughtful helpful
blog ya later
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