hello bloggers Today I am going to show you what Darth Vader does on his day off.
So yesterday we were going to write about Darth Vader's day off it was very great to do it It was very fun and exited because we could write whatever we wanted and mine was awesome.So yesterday also the Internet was playing around going up and down.So this is what it said for us to do.No shout out for Today
What do you think Darth Vader does on his day off?
Perhaps he gets a slushy from Hoth? Maybe he takes his cape to get dry cleaned or he goes to the pharmacy to pick up a new inhaler. Maybe he has some "me time" at the spa, followed by hot yoga. Or maybe he just binge-watches the Golden Girls. Or does he play a vigorous game of pickle ball?
You're going to take on the role of Darth Vader. You will write a diary entry (1st Person Recount) about what you got up to on your day. Think of things that make a villain seem more human or even boring. Be sure to make it realistic, keep it specific, and make it awesome!
this is what I wrote my one was the best of the best i liked it because I wrote 329 words and it was just the best.
My day off
Dear diary, I had a great day off I went strat to hoth to get such a delectable slushy It was amazing and I was surprised that it was very loud and how it was all good to hear that it was the dark side was all there saying how defeating the rebels was great.
Then I took my cape to the dry cleaner Gary he was absolutely polite but very happy he asked me If it was the usual I said yes so he said that it would take about two and a half hours.So as that was happening I popped into the pharmacy next door and asked for Darth Vader.So they said that they had it ready for me in the back and it would take a sec to grab.So then the pharmacist gave the inhaler to me and so then I went back to Gary and it was spic and span not a Stan on it so I said to Gary that he would get $400 dollars for getting the annoying grape juice Stan off it.Then it was time to go to the spa followed by some yoga.So the spa was just fantastic it was great it just made all of my problem go away and it was great with bubbles it was very helpful.The yoga was very relaxing it help me relax But then someone knocked on my door BANG BANG BANG it was a pizza delivery guy and he asked if it was 45 west avenue but my mail box was 46 west avenue he had mistaken me for next door so I said to him that it was next door he was looking for and pointed him in the direction of 45 west avenne and he said thanks and sped off on his bike.So that was an eventful day but I then went to bed and had a great day
senserly Darth Vader