This week we have done Testing like E-asttle,Pat.We did maths writing and reading.I had did my writing very good.This is my E-asttle writing.I do not have anything for my maths and reading tests but I did pretty good.So I have improved in paragraphing and putting them into paragraphs.I had also did great on spelling because also
I punctuated ever sentence correctly.It was very good doing tests because it has been a long time since we did tests.If i can get positive thoughtful helpful.Blog ya later.
It is a nice day to go to the market.It is very exciting going to the market.
Can we go to the toy stall first Mum.No brayden we can go there last.
But why.I need to get some stuff for lunch okay we can go there last and you will behave and don ́t ask to go to the toy stall or we won ́t got it.Yes Mum but what is there to do I will get board.Fine we can go to the toy stall first then.
Hey Mum can I get this.No that is $100 dollars I only have enough to buy a small one.So hurry up. This one is small please.$60 dollers you know what $100 doller dinosaur toy please.Hopefuly we have enough to buy lunch if not we are going to leave.I like the fell of the box it is very smooth. Hey Mum how many stalls do you see I see 20.Well I see 29.Well you win by nine.They are all white but they say what is in the stall like pony rides and lunch surpplys ahh.That is what we need.What pony rides.No LUNCH SURPLYS.okay okay you did not need to shout in my ear.
I can hear people talking and smell the food.Come on we can get a hot dog later hurry up.Okay sandwhichs apples fruit.Done thats what we need.Now we can get a hot dog lets go.yum that was very gooooooooood.
Now it is time to.No it is raining we need to get to the car.That was horrible.Look its clearing up.Oh no.What it is it.The grass is wet well lets go back to have some fun.Mum its been a minute and my shoes and socks are wet can we go home now.
Okey lets go to the car then you can open your toy and play with it.Okey yay time to go home.
Well that was exiting can you not wait till tomorrow.No I am going to stay home the market is horrible.Okay thats fair Toby and Zach can come tomorrow they will love it and I will take more money just in case because of that costing $100 dollers.Now.Oh you are asleep well it has been a crazy day so you can sleep well love you.the end