I am a student at in Uru Mānuka. In 2020 I was a year 9 and in 2021 I will be a year 10. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note....some work won't be edited - just my first drafts, so there may be some surface errors. I would love your feedback, comments, thoughts and ideas.
Friday, June 28, 2019
1st to 100 wins
On Tuesday we did a investigation for race it 100 and two ladybugs Fred and Freda. We were given a hundred board to solve this intense problem. So Fred could jump three spaces at a time.Freda could jump two at a time.So it was a wee bit challenging but me Lana and Sebastian figured it out by doing fred first to go ten jumps then did freda´s ten jumps Fred won to how we did it.Here is the hundreds board we had to use and Fred and Freda no shout out for today who do you think won? Blog ya later.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019
Hello Bloggers.Today I did a book review on our shared book wonder.
We then had to do something in a creative way to explain to you guys.
This is my Biteable.So the prosess was we had to answer questions for wonder.
It was about 8 weeks of questions then we had to make our own cover for wonder.
Here they are.Then we had to do a book reveiw and I made a biteable and then had
to blog about it. There is no shout out for today sorry.Blog ya later.
WONDER IS AWASOME!!!! on Biteable.
We then had to do something in a creative way to explain to you guys.
This is my Biteable.So the prosess was we had to answer questions for wonder.
It was about 8 weeks of questions then we had to make our own cover for wonder.
Here they are.Then we had to do a book reveiw and I made a biteable and then had
to blog about it. There is no shout out for today sorry.Blog ya later.
WONDER IS AWASOME!!!! on Biteable.
Wednesday, June 19, 2019
Today we did wig Wednesday and it is about raising awareness to support child cancer and to support kids who have cancer and so those kids that have cancer to not let them suffer and we raised $136.20.
A bunch of people wore wigs I was wearing a blue wigs. we all had fun and I feel sympathy for those that have cancer and we should do something about it.Mrs Taylor was wearing a shaggy wig the shout out for today is nothing better luck next time blog ya later.
A bunch of people wore wigs I was wearing a blue wigs. we all had fun and I feel sympathy for those that have cancer and we should do something about it.Mrs Taylor was wearing a shaggy wig the shout out for today is nothing better luck next time blog ya later.
Thursday, June 13, 2019
what would it be like to look the same on Biteable.
This is my blog on positives and negitives lokking the same.
The video is amazing and it was made by me.
The shout out is noone today but it is just bad luck.
blog ya later
Wednesday, June 12, 2019
my long write
Hello bloggers today I am posting my long write from my descriptive workbook. This workbook and long write is from the 6 of May 2019.My success were making such a cool long write and doing about 327 words.My challenge was to do a amazing long write.The shout out for Today is none Today but that's how the cookie crumbles blog ya later.
I had to make a glass tank to protect myself Against the flood it was a success.but I was the only person who had Realized.I was completely and utterly alone.I could feel the smooth hard white glass.the glass as cold as ice then a goldfish came by he got the glass like a clown .the stench of dead fish decusded me.I Heard a little goldfish hit the Stone cold glass. I then went and ate my cooked salmon it tasted so good.I sat there With my sad lonely depressed thought that I was all alone.then I thought I was as lonely as a leaf. At that very moment a great white shark comes and hits the glass It makes a giant hole so I run inside and grab my emergency duct tape and fix the hole but the great white just make a new big huge hole so i punch it in the nose so I can Fix the hole.so I finish the hole fixing but it makes one enormous hole instead so I grab its tail and throw it away.but I made it even worse a megalodon comes eats the great white and swims away it must have smelt the great whites blood trail after i punched it so hard.I felt bad I got a great white eaten because of me.so I grab some fish put them in a fish tank and fix the hole. But I saw something in the corner of my eye it was a humpback whale.it jumped up out of the water and back in again so I grab my camera and take a photo.but another great white shark comes so I throw a fish out of the way so I watch as it swims like a dog getting a stick.so I tame the poor thing make a nice house for it and I am not completely alone after all.the end
I had to make a glass tank to protect myself Against the flood it was a success.but I was the only person who had Realized.I was completely and utterly alone.I could feel the smooth hard white glass.the glass as cold as ice then a goldfish came by he got the glass like a clown .the stench of dead fish decusded me.I Heard a little goldfish hit the Stone cold glass. I then went and ate my cooked salmon it tasted so good.I sat there With my sad lonely depressed thought that I was all alone.then I thought I was as lonely as a leaf. At that very moment a great white shark comes and hits the glass It makes a giant hole so I run inside and grab my emergency duct tape and fix the hole but the great white just make a new big huge hole so i punch it in the nose so I can Fix the hole.so I finish the hole fixing but it makes one enormous hole instead so I grab its tail and throw it away.but I made it even worse a megalodon comes eats the great white and swims away it must have smelt the great whites blood trail after i punched it so hard.I felt bad I got a great white eaten because of me.so I grab some fish put them in a fish tank and fix the hole. But I saw something in the corner of my eye it was a humpback whale.it jumped up out of the water and back in again so I grab my camera and take a photo.but another great white shark comes so I throw a fish out of the way so I watch as it swims like a dog getting a stick.so I tame the poor thing make a nice house for it and I am not completely alone after all.the end
Monday, June 10, 2019
A mirorr in time time time time time time.
Hello bloggers this is my descriptive long write.My sucssces were making a outstanting long write.The challenge was making it as descriptive as possible.It was very fun to write.Quiestion: what do you write in school or free time at home?The shout out for to day is Drum.drum.drum.drum.drum.drum is my
teacher mrs Spragg blog ya later.
Thursday, June 6, 2019
new school subject
hi bloggers and today I have though about a new subject for schools around
the world. it was challenging to write it all onto slides for it.
my succsess were to bloging it to all of you wonderful pepole
thanks for being there for me. well the shout out for today is drum roll please
drum drum drum drum callum from grey main school.
blog ya later.
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